Queen almost killed by beaver

Every day now is a bonus for my friend Rick,

who was out riding his bicycle

on a trail in Western Mass. recently.

At one point as he rushed down the trail he heard

a loud whooshing and then a thud very close behind him.

He stopped and turned to see a huge tree

had fallen across the section of the path

he had just passed.

People on the other side

of the tree gasped as they said,

“Mister, that tree just missed you!”

Being the curious sort, Rick walked toward

the base of the fallen tree to see what had brought

the mighty thing down. He could see that

the trunk had been chewed through by a beaver.

Rick told me, “I was wondering, what was the beaver

thinking? He could never have moved that tree

to the river to build a dam.”

I suggested that perhaps an offspring

of the beaver’s had been killed by a cyclist

and the beareaved beave

was trying to get revenge.

All I know is, it just serves as a reminder:

we never know when a beaver might kill us.

And it’s like this priest said in a Sunday

sermon recently, “Take the time right now

to tell the important people in your life how much

they mean to you and that you love them.”

And then he did.

No day but today.

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