My favorite Mormons

In comedy writing, a recurring theme

is known as a riff. One of the more frequent

riffs on my homepage the past 10 months

or so has been my gentle teasing of Mormons.

“Be nice to the Mormons,” a kind-hearted friend said

recently. Which begs the question: “WHY?”

I just love to learn about cults and am

well-read on such groups as the Moonies

and the Scientologists. But I have

singled out the Mormons because

they are so much less likely to

throw a brick through my window

or sue the crap outta me.

Which is another thing I love about them:

the “I’m smiling as fake as I can” attitude

and the persecution complex

(“They hate us because of our goodness”).

And there’s the fact that Mormon teenagers

are known as elders.

The ban on caffeine.

And the totally insane history,

one that makes mainstream Christianity

sound positively reasonable.

So just to prove

I am not heartless,

I’ve taken the time to create a relatively

comprehensive list of My Favorite Mormons.

I hope you enjoy it.

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